The Politics of Sustainability 

With the election literally days away on Thursday, July 4, there is no shortage of talking points, with green policies one of the most important factors in how people will vote.

In this post, we take an impartial look at the manifestos of the leading parties, examining what they are proposing in terms of environmental policies, and what this could mean for sustainability, Net Zero and the green economy. 

Conservative Party

The Conservative Party emphasises a balance between economic growth and environmental protection, continuing the processes that helped the UK cut its emissions faster than any other G20 country.

Key proposals include:

“We are proud of our record and remain committed to delivering net zero by 2050.”

Labour Party

Labour‘s green manifesto focuses on a Green New Deal, which aims for rapid decarbonisation and social justice. Their main points include:

“The climate and nature crisis is the greatest long-term global challenge that we face.”

Liberal Democrats

The Liberal Democrats advocate for ambitious climate action paired with social and economic reforms. Their green policies include:

“Climate change is an existential threat. Soaring temperatures leading to wildfires, floods, droughts and rising sea levels are affecting millions of people directly, and billions more through falling food production and rising prices. Urgent action is needed – in the UK and around the world – to achieve net zero and avert catastrophe.”

Green Party

The Green Party, known for its strong environmental stance, presents a comprehensive and radical approach to sustainability. Key proposals include:

“The climate emergency continues to accelerate. Scientists warn that we are currently on track for global temperatures to rise by at least 2.5°C, far beyond levels at which humanity can safely survive. Our promise to you is that all this can change. We can create a greener, fairer country together – one in which we are all safer, happier and more fulfilled.”

Scottish National Party (SNP)

The SNP emphasises Scotland’s unique position and potential in leading climate action thanks to their renewable and fossil fuel supplies. Their proposals include:

“Our commitment to tackling the twin crises of climate change and nature loss is unwavering and we believe emissions reduction and economic prosperity go hand in hand. We want to share in the enormous economic opportunities of the global transition to net zero.”


The key Reform policy is scrapping the UK’s Net Zero commitments, plus ramping up gas, oil and coal extraction and expanding renewable energy sources. 

“Net Zero is pushing up bills, damaging British industries like steel, and making us less secure. We can protect our environment with more tree planting, more recycling and less single-use plastics. New technology will help, but we must not impoverish ourselves in pursuit of unaffordable, unachievable global CO2 targets.”


Green policies have never been as important, and all the major parties have a range of visions and strategies for addressing the climate crisis. From ambitious targets for net-zero emissions to investments in renewable energy and green jobs, these proposals highlight the critical role of sustainable policies in shaping the future of the UK. Axiom Sustainability Software remains committed to supporting businesses and governments in their journey towards a more sustainable world. 

AXIOM Sustainability Software

AXIOM is a powerful cloud-based platform that helps your business monitor, analyse and improve sustainability performance. 

While collecting such detailed and specific data may seem overly complicated, specialist sustainable software like AXIOM exists to make steps towards logistic sustainability easier.

Using specialist technology, we equip businesses with a tool which enables them to track their environmental and social performance whilst also improving governance – identifying and mitigating risks associated with business operations and relationships.

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